
Want to Stop Blowing Up at Your Kids?

Motherhood can be hard. You feel stretched thin emotionally, physically, and mentally… and then you EXPLODE at your kids and feel like garbage after.

There is hope. Change is possible.

You can learn how to stop reacting and start responding to your kids using practical, Christ-centered tools, and I can help you on that journey.

I help moms yell less & become more calm, connected, and confident parents.

My Story

Motherhood didn’t bring out the best in me.

After having three babies in four and a half years, I found myself feeling like I was in a constant battle with anger…and I was losing.

I felt defeated, tired, alone, and worried about damaging my kids.

I was praying that God would do SOMETHING to fix them or fix me.

Then I learned about God’s purpose for emotions. I began implementing some practical and authentically Catholic tools in my daily life, and transformation finally started happening.

I want to help you on your journey and share with you what I’ve learned so that you can partner with Jesus to transform your motherhood too!

Let’s Chat!

If you’re anything like me, I am sure you have questions or thoughts on your mind! Don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to connect with you and talk.

© 2023-2024 CJJ Coaching, LLC